The 10 Commandments

by Toilet Bowl Joel Chisler

Bingo Cheer image 1. Thou shall not sit in thy neighbor's lucky seat.

2. Thou shall not stare at thy neighbor's card.

3. Thou shall not use thy caller's name in vain.

4. Thou shall not holler false bingo.

5. Thou shall not wish bad luck on thy neighbor.

6. Thou shall not threaten to kill thy caller.

7. Thou shall not steal thy husband's money for bingo.

8. Thou shall not lie about how much thou won.

9. Thou shall not lie about how much thou lost.

10. Thou shall not say "Aw, Shit!" when thy neighbor wins.
Bingo Cheer image

©1997 by, created by Toilet Bowl Joel Chisler

This feature for comedycity was conceived by and is dedicated to Toilet Bowl Joel. See Joel's THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF GOLF. And be sure to see TBJ site for information on his CD, "You Can't Love Me Like My Dog," including "The Official BINGO! Polka." Coming soon! "Grandpa's on Viagra."

The Ten Commandments of Bingo
are available imprinted on a top quality T-shirt. $10 plus shipping.
and on a top quality sweat shirt for $20.00 plus shipping.
For ordering information, e-mail comedycity with your name, e-mail or phone number.

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