Sample Material by Joe Eberle

I shaved off my goatee. I grew it because I wanted to look a little more masculine, a little more rugged and macho. But it really wasn't working. At least that's what the people in my ballet class kept telling me.

Why did the movie The Never Ending Story only have one sequel?

I think it's unfair for gymnasts to be penalized for taking an itty bitty step when they make their dismounts. I mean, they flip and twist and leap and do all kinds of amazing things on those bars and pommel horse and their whole performance is ruined by one little mistep on the dismount. I can't even dismount from the toilet without taking a step.

When I tell people that I'm a comedian, they always ask me if I'm dirty on stage. I say, "No. I shower before every performance."

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Stand up comedian Joe Eberle

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